My blogging début!
On September 25 I celebrated my 10th anniversary as Graphically Speaking. Knowing that this momentous milestone was approaching I decided it was time to cross a few key items off of my to-do list. Among them was designing a website for myself which was a far greater challenge than doing it for my clients. Tah dah…check off to-do-list item #1!
Well not exactly. A few other things had to get accomplished ahead of a site, namely becoming familiar with Facebook and Twitter. I buckled myself in for the temporarily steep learning curve. Actually I am an avid learner and a great sleuth. I found the perfect person to walk me through the daunting social media gauntlet: Kerry Anne MacDougall, owner of Insight Marketing. After attending her workshop followed up by a three hour one-on-one session in my office I was off to the races. Well I was actually more like the tortoise than the hare but we all know who won the race in the end.
I now have business and personal Facebook pages and my Twitter handle is gspeak_pei. I am amazed at the social media community there is on the Island and have been in contact with people I would never of otherwise heard of or from. I’m looking forward to attending my first Tweetup which is being held at The Globe in Charlottetown on October 22. I plan to be there early for the to pre-event mini-Twitter session for newbies, or maybe that’s fledglings?
Facebook…check! Twitter…check! Then I was finally able to focus on my website. Once again I had the perfect person to help me to build my web storyboard design: Scott Jay, owner of Your Digital Coach. Scott and I were teamed together by a client who knew us both. Since then Scott has been my go-to tech. He has certainly risen to the design challenges I have put in his capable coding fingers. There is still some fine tuning yet to do but I decided to launch my site and take it for a spin. Nothing like a deadline to nudge procrastination out of the way. I listed my website in a Guardian ad as part of the double-page spread PEI Business Women’s Association offered during Business Week..which is this week.
Welcome to my first website and my first blog article. I believe this calls for a toast!
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